About Us
We know what works best for small businesses
- and how to deploy it cost-effectively
Calling on over 20 years experience, Marke Solutions is a group of skilled IT consultants, specialising in supporting small and medium sized businesses across the UK. Our customers range from architects, planners and solicitors, through to manufacturers, medics and engineers. Each is different, with unique needs. Independent in our approach, we carefully select manufacturers, service providers and technologies in order to meet these needs and maximise the impact of IT on their operations.
Agile and aware of the needs of small enterprises
As a small business, we adopt early and we’re agile. We work with businesses like us. We face similar issues and use similar technologies, giving us unique insight. This doesn’t mean we work with ‘small time’ technology. We understand the big marketplace, and the solutions we use are often adapted from major enterprises. This includes for example server virtualisation, controller based wireless, document management systems and unified communications, both on the network or in the cloud. Having bought, tries and tested these technologies, we know what works best for our customer base – and how to deploy it cost-effectively.

Focused on customers and sustainability
Our commitment to qualuty, service and value means we enjoy strong customer retention, with the majority choosing to work with us for ten years or more. A significant part of our business growth comes through referral and recommendation.
Marke Solutions is committed to reducing the harmful impact on our planet. We embrace and promote environmentally friendly solutions for all customers and are working towards Net Zero. Recent initiatives include introducing a fully electric fleet of vehicles.