IT Support
Unreliability and downtime costs businesses – in terms of time, money and the goodwill of customers – not to mention the patience of employees. We’re here to provide total peace of mind by pro-actively managing and servicing your technology to minimise faliure and optimise availability. While our focus is on helping you avoid problems, we’re always on hand with a fix when it’s needed. Available 24/7/365, we pride ourselves on our personal touch and commitment to service, whatever you need, and whenever you need us.
Office 365 - setup, maintenance and migration
With Marke, switching to Office 365 is a simple and streamlined operation tailored to your business needs. We’re able to manage the whole journey – from initial consultancy through to migration, integration, cloud backup and ongoing maintenance and support, all based on expert, well-informed advice.

Desktop computer/laptop setup, maintenance and repair
The right software for your business helps you cut costs, streamline operations and improve efficiency. Without the right hardware however, you’re unlikely to get the best results. In fact, slow or inappropriate technology can seriously limit the potential of the solution. At Marke, we take care to make sure eveything fits together perfectly from the start – and throughout its life-cycle. Unlike many hardware and software and software retailers, we don’t rely on 3rd party couriers. We deliver them by hand, and install them in person, setting them up to suit your network and guaranteeing that you hit the ground running – and keep-on running smoothly.

Network design and repair
We offer a full range of networking services and solutions for businesses – from consultation, design and configuration through to implementation and ongoing management. We’ll check all the key elements of your network and infrastructure including servers, identifying potential issues and pre-emptively resolving issues. We keep everything running smoothly, report on the health of your systems and provide inventories when needed.

Server maintenance and repair
Servers sit at the heart of all enterprises. Maintaining them is vital in order to keep software up-to-date and the equipment running smoothly, so that the risk of downtime, data loss and total or partial network faliure is reduced to a minimum. Vital tasks include reviewing the server’s performance, ensuring that automated system monitoring utilities are properly installed and configured, identifying potential security risks and regular back-up of data. We manage all of this for you to ensure business continuity.

Wireless network design and installation
We offer a range of business grade solutions depending on your needs and the best available infrastructure in your area. Our expert team will help you to understand what options are available, and work with you to create the most effective and relevant solution.

Domain, Email and website Service
Having a valid, correctly registered domain name helps ensure that your email, web-presence and IT security are all reliable and protected. We offer a fully managed service to ensure that your company domain is taken care of and always remains compliant. We have automated processes to track the lifetime of your registrations, meaning you never have to worry about missing critical renewals.

Offsite data backup
Offsite data backup is the process of using a remote – often cloud based – storage system to ensure that you never lose your information. There can be many reasons why your business would be at risk from data loss. You could suffer a power faliure, natural disaster, office flood or even file loss due to human error. Having your data backed up offsite means you’re always one step ahead.

Disaster recovery
While businesses might have back-up plans, not all have a disaster recovery plan in place as part of their Business Continuity and Cyber Security strategy. Without one, getting operational after a disaster will take much longer than most businesses can afford. We have experience working with SME’s to establish clear and robust strategies to avoid mission critical issues.